Attorneys at DANAHERLAGNESE, PC have a long history in the product liability field. We have represented designers, manufacturers and retailers of hundreds of products alleged to be defective in their design or manufacture or because of inadequate warnings. The products range from those used in the medical profession (e.g., pharmaceuticals, latex gloves, pace makers, Dalkon Shield IUDs, breast implants, dental implants, prosthesis) to building products (e.g., fireproofing, insulation, cement, roofing materials) to mechanical devices (e.g., lawn mowers, commercial ovens, punch presses, conveyors, printing presses, jet engines, heavy machinery, milling machines, furnaces, meat packing machinery, air conditioners, tires, boars, dryers, escalators, elevators) and to consumer products (e.g., ladders, chairs, soda cans, food, bicycles, exercise machines, lamps, ballasts, gas tanks, chain saws, telephones). We also advise clients regarding the communication of warnings to end users. Through our nationwide experience in defending product liability claims, we have developed knowledge of the nuances of product liability in most American jurisdictions. We are aware that individual lawsuits carry risks that can have adverse consequences nationwide.